blog party

0 Flares 0 Flares × is having a blog party from march 7-14. so go meet some new people. 

My name is Brandy I am a stay at home mom of 3.  I have a 2 1/2 year old a 1 1/2 year old and a 3 month old. I am married to a great guy, well sometimes. HA. We got away from the military life about  18 months ago. My husband was in Iraq twice, and decided he didn’t want to go back a third. He is working on a degree in chemistry at UNCG.   I live in a small town in North Carolina. Mainly retired people and my biggest venture is walmart. There is nothing to do here. exspecially if you don’t have any money.  I’m originally from arizona, and I’m new to this whole blogging thing. So i am not sure how to do alot. Here are some pics of my family  
 baby boy baby girl a baby girl m        Hope to meet a lot of new people.
I don’t have a lot of friends and i don’t get out a lot so the internet is my main source of talking.

They have some awesome prizes to give away.  my choices are

25 gift certificate to target, $20 to amazon, 25 via paypal, $23 via paypal, $50 to happy panda, pink legos, clothes from karen nebeurger, rocking horse, ltd chix shirt.    of course i’m going to choose money first, i don’t have any and baby m bday is coming up

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14 thoughts on “blog party

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for inviting me to your party, It was lovely to meet you 🙂

    Rachel xxx
    A Juggling Mum

  2. Hey there, I lived in Durham for 4 years while I went to university; North Carolina can be an interesting place for sure 🙂

    Glad to see you partying and I look forward to getting to know you better!

  3. Hi ya Brandy! I too am new to blogging and have not done much but read and write for the last couple of days! I live in smallish city that boasts not one but TWO Wal-marts (super ones at that!). While the city itself is young, my family lives in a condominium complex where we are the youngest people and our daughter is the only child. So I can relate with the neighbors being retireed! Hope to see you around.

  4. Hello Brandy! I’m Brandie and it’s nice to “meet” you. Welcome to the world of blogging and good luck to your hubby on getting his degree.

  5. Hello Brandy! It’s really great to meet you.

    And welcome to both the world of blogging, and the party! If you have time, click over to as many sites as you can and leave comments, that’s really the best way to get to know people in the blogging world and when you’re a SAHM with little ones and this is your only escape, it can be a God send! Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. *smile*

    It sounds like you’ve got your hands full! And a husband who went to Iraq twice?? I can’t blame him for wanting to get out! I hope he’s successful in his scholastic career.

    Take care Brandy and enjoy the rest of the party!

  6. Hi Brandy,
    My name is Gina and I use wordpress too. I also don’t have many friends in real life so my blog is very important to me and how I make friends. Visit if you can.

  7. Great post! Hope your enjoying the party! I’ve been meeting tons of new people! Hope to try to visit at least half of them before Friday! You never know when you may meet a forever friend. Pop by for a visit if you get a chance! Enjoy your day!

  8. Hi—we are former military as well. My husband did 4 years active and just finished his 4 years inactive to complete the 8 years. Boy was I happy to get his Honorable Discharge papers in the mail!!

    Stop by for a visit if you get a chance!!

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