Barbie Mariposa

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i have two daughters. Kenzie just turned 3 and Alex will be 2 next month. They were recently introduced to barbie through a video I won on pajama mommy community. Now they have become total Barbie Mariposa fanatics.

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For my daughter third birthday she got almost every barbie from the island princess collection.  It is kind of upsetting that when a new movie comes out they stop selling the barbies for the previous movie. we still have two Barbies and three Kelly’s we have not been able to get from Barbie island Princess.   The new movie Barbie Mariposa has come out and my kids are so excited, They have wanted it for a while. Pajama mommy is giving away 20 copies of the movie Barbie Mariposa. Go on over and check it out win Barbie Mariposa ends 4/18/08

While this contest has ended Barbie movies are still fun and are coming out twice a year. They are still fun to watch and have a great meaning behind each film.

Have you seen a Barbie movie lately?

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