portrait of a mother

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when i think about a mom the portrait i imagine in my head is one that sacrifices all. when you decide to become a mother everything should be put aside and you should focus on you child/ children.

pic of me and my kids

i loved playing with dolls as a kid and always pictured myself having 12 kids like my grandmother.  when i was nine those dreams where struck down by a accident. i was told it would be almost impossible to have kids. i had a 20% chance a pregnancy would make it past the first trimester.  when i was 15 i got a niece and another and then a nephew so i was happy with that.  everyone kept telling what a good mother i would be.

i felt a empty feeling inside and tried for years to get pregnant. nothing. well i just gave up hope. when i got married in 2004 i found out a couple weeks later i was pregnant. i sacrificed everything. quit school and work just to make sure i could take good enough care of myself. i was fortunate enough to have a beautiful little girl. i had my miracle. then i had two more. i had complications with every one but i was blessed.

now growing up i was very distant from my mother. she was my best friend at times and i hated her at others. i’m sure to expect that from my kids when they get older. but now that i’m grown and have my own family, i’ve been whisked away from my mother for 4 years. i live over 2000miles away.  it’s ao hard because my mother always tried t be there for me and i wish i could be there for her. she is going through so much. she has mrsa (flesh eating disease) and may possibly even have breast cancer.

the portrait of a mother i see. is one that is willing to sacrifice their life, for there children. no matter what you’ll always be a mother. even if you have to put your career on hold, make the little things count. don’t miss a milestone or birthday because you’ll regret it later.

Microsoft is celebrating motherhood and mother’s day with a “Portraits of Mom” campaign that runs from April 19-May 11, 2008. go on over and enter!   don’t forget to stop by parent bloggers. to check out all the portraits of a mom participants.

*okay so if some of this is out of order. i tried! i got very emotional writing this!


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  1. Pingback: The Parent Bloggers Network » Blog Blast - Microsoft’s “Portraits of Mom”
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