mothers day photo

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5 minutes for mom is holding a mothers day giveaway where you could win a $1000.00!!!!!!!  Now for those who know me which most of you don’t. This is something my family definitely needs. With me and my hubby both out of work, him in school and 3 kids. I will be able to do something for myself. for a change!

Being a mother to me is about love and compassion. you have to be willing to open your life fully and sacrifice everything for your children.

Scan_17.jpg image by walleshauserPicture of me with my three children

it can be fun and exciting.

101_0642.jpg image by walleshauser this is a picture of my daughter Alex being goofy

It’s about attitude and letting the little things your kids do to make you mad go.

101_0553.jpg mckenzie with attitude image by walleshauserpic of my daughter Kenzie giving some attitude

No matter how hard things get you always have a cute face to look at.

101_0922.jpg image by walleshauser pic of my son Will. yes i know he is a big little man. 4 months old and 20 pounds. ( he was 10 at birth)

Having to do the hardest things that hurt so much.

000_0062.jpg my hubby image by walleshauser This is a pic of my husband before he left for iraq the 2nd time. (he came back safe)

I would not be who i am today without my children. The biggest reason being a mother is so special to me is…… having the opportunity. I was told as a little girl that i had a 20% chance of a successful pregnancy. I thank god for giving me the opportunity.


None of these pictures where poses. except for the top one of me with my 3. thats professional.




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