cyber baby shower

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happy panda is throwing a baby shower for margie gunn of chesapeake ribbons.

party games

game 1: i’m guessing 90

game 2

  i would rather not show a pic with no shirt, because my stretch marks are really bad. there is a 10 pound baby in there. a couple days before i went into labor

game 3

i am going to guess 100 diapers

game 4

*Having a child is a great experiance. I have three. My first was a little girl named Kenzie. Natural labor 7 lbs 4 oz,  second was another little girl Alex natural labor 8 lbs. 12 oz  and then i had my son Will natural labor who was 10 lbs even. Don’t know how i did that one.

top 5 prizes i would like

Hanes,   Happy Panda,   Belmama and Cherub (shower hug), Chesapeake Ribbons, Boca Beth

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