not so glam anymore

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can you still wear a bikini? after having children a lot of woman go to mom suits. i could rock a bikini again if i ate a little better. i have little will power. i checked out boca wich gave some great advice to better living


when i was a teen, before i became a mother. i wore bikinis, thats all i would wear. i had a flat stomach and a bikini fit.ah those were the good ol days! i was at the pool everyday in my cute bikini. living in phx thats the only option you really have!

 now that i have had children and put on some weight. i dread hearing bikini. i have a belly and stretch marks. those two things and bikini do not mix.i went bathing suit shopping the other day. tried on one piece and the new tankinis. a one piece was okay. it made me feel a bit awkward and my pouchy stomach still hung out. i tried on a tankini and loved it. lose enough so you can’t see my belly hanging over and no signs of my stretch marks. plus it made me feel like i was still in a bikini. i would love to invest in a tankini, still a bikini but enough bot to show my emabarassed tummy. they are too exspensive for me though. so for now i wear shorts and tshirt. though i have not been swimming in like two years. my kids have a kiddy pool in the backyard. i get in there with them.

out here and in a lot of public pools you can’t wear street clothes, so until i can find the right suit i am steering clear of the pool area. 

“This post was written for Parent Bloggers Network as part of a sweepstakes sponsored by BOCA.”

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