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i’m gaining to much wieght. dieting is hard for me. i had 3 kids in 3 years so i put on alot. from 120 to 145, and i’m only 5’3″. when i was pregnant i never really had any cravings. my problem was my husband was in iraq and  i was dpressed. so i ate out or junk all the time. now that i’m not pregnant, i crave even more things than i did when i was pregnant.

one of the bad things about living on the east coast is the two things i’m craving, they don’y have here. wienersnitzel(i think thats spelled wrong) and jack in the box. those are more west coast restaurants. i guess it’s better there is not a wienerschnitzel out here. i’d eat there everyday.   my biggest challange is soda. i am a soda aholic, i have so much trouble giving it up.

how do you deal with your cravings? how do you fight them?

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