new site for moms

0 Flares 0 Flares × is a new site geared at new moms. where moms can learn, share and create memories with video. they have a lot of great features, from blogs, learning videos, community and product reviews. they even have a video archive. if you need advice on parenting or want to share, this is the place to go. you can upload videos of your childrens first and then share them with others. family and friends.

they are having a 30 days of giveaways right now. you can win lands end swim packages, boogie wipes, photo book, precious moments baby items, even a precious moments figurine(i want it so bad)

NewBaby Button

MomSelect is looking for 5 Pregnant or New Moms who are bloggers who would like to become a Vlogger. If you are chosen as one of the five, MomSelect will provide you with a Free Flip Camera and ask you to post once a week as you journey into parenting. Please contact Natalie at [email protected] if you are interested.

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