it’s not really fair.

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my husband served in the military for 4 years on active duty. he served two years in iraq. when he got out he went on a year in the national gaurd.  everything was pretty much handed to him in the army. great benefits, great pay, they had days where you could eat free at restaurants, or even get into the fair or amusment parks for free.  now that he is back to civillan life. everything is tarnished.

i feel like when your a veteran no one appreciates you, they only care when you are on active duty.  people won’t even offer jobs to veterans. i mean there are the people who will come up and say thank you and shake your hand. which is always greatful. there are also the people who look at you like your crazy.

the war had some effect on my husband but he came back the same kindof. his main problem is he has a short fuse now. the main point is i wish people, companys, america would treat veterans of the iraq and afganistan war the same  as they treat active duty.

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