my children are worth it

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hasbro has a free shipping offer right now all part of their hot summer toy event. hasbro will donate a toy or game for every toy or game bought, during their hot summer toy event. providing toys for economically disadvantaged children.     so hop on over now and get a toy.

in light of this event the parent bloggers network wants to know what you would do to get your child that perfect toy.

growing up getting the perfect toy was never really a problem. my mom worked at toys r us, so anything we wanted she could put on hold before it hit the mom no longer works at toys r us, os i now have to rely on lines and fighting for that perfect toy.   there have been a couple instances i have fought for a toy.

black friday 2005, i decided to go shopping and take my infant daughter. my husband was in iraq and i wanted to make sure my daughter had a good christmas since daddy was gone. i had all these great toys in my cart, and i was just about to leave. my daughter was coming down with a cold, and was coughing like crazy.  i took her out of the cart and moved away for a minute, when i turned back around my cart, along with my purse and diaper bag were gone. i searched around and found the lady that took my cart. big altercation, with names i shouldn’t say. the police were called, and they relized my personal belongings were in the cart it had to belong to me. so i got my toys.

i can remember when TMX ELMO came out,my daughter wanted one more than anything.  everytime i watched the news you hear someone being shot fiting over a elmo. i think that only happened once or twice. i didn’t even bother after a while, i thought it was a lost cause. when i was grocery shopping, they said over the loud speaker they had some. i ran over there and squeezed in a pile of people. got one and had a lady trying to grab it from me, calling me every name you can think of. the lady even went as far as calling me racial slures. as we were different races. by that time i was crying and just grabbed the doll, paid for it, put it in the car and then continued to grocery shop.

i would wait in line for a toy, but not stay all night. i’d get there early in the morning.

i’d push and shove my way to the perfect toy.

i would put up with name calling for a good toy

i would do what i could as long as it doesn’t bring serious harm to me or anyone else to get a perfect toy in my childs hands

this post was written for the parent blogger network on behalf of hasbros hot summer toy event

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3 thoughts on “my children are worth it

  1. Pingback: Blog Blast - Extreme Toy Shopping! | The Parent Bloggers Network
  2. Ooh you’re one tough mama. I didn’t think I was into the battle over toys but my husband reminded me last night that I’ve already gone pretty far to secure various toys… drive all over, call all over, ask all over. I guess if I’d do it in the name of a Wii Fit, I would do it for the kids. I hope we never cross paths at an all night TRU.

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