one week to go

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we only have one week to go before our trip to florida. i am suddenly feel like i’m becoming overwhelmed, i do not have a laptop and will not be posting that week or even checking my email. i don’t want to miss out on important emails or notifications.

i also have becomed overwhelmed by the planning. orignally we are going to florida to see family and of course hit the beach. were are definitly going to downtown disney, and now talking about the space center, brevard zoo, maybe seaworld,  i think it’s to much. we will arive friday evening and leave tues. morning. so in that short time we won’t be able to, or we could but then spend no time with family. i honestly don’t acre for the space center, but my hubby loves astronomy and everything with it.

have you ever been in this situation where you just plan to much? how did you get through it?

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