bloggy giveaways/are you going green?

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lets go is your one stop shop to going green. they have everything you can think of to conserve energy, help the planet, and make your home look better.  they have everything you need to help you save money, from low flow shower heads, led nightlights, natural cleaning products, bpa free bottles, and much more.

so what are you waiting for lets go

lets go has offered a lucky reader a $25 gift certificate to there store

open to us and canada 18 +

one comment per person

visit lets go and tell me what you would get with your $25

contests closes on 8/8/08

don’t forget to check out all the other participants of the bloggy giveaway carnival

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171 thoughts on “bloggy giveaways/are you going green?

  1. I like the pink waterbottle, but could probably use the nightlights. Thanks for the GREAT giveaway! Please count me in. If I win, I can be reached through the blog, or at heyblogger[at]yahoo[dot]com.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, and good luck with my giveaway. It’s always nice to win free clothes for your kids!

    I’ve seen this store before but haven’t bought anything yet. I’d love to try the laundry detergent and dish soap. I’m trying to do a lot more eco-friendly things in my life, especially after my son was born 4 months ago.

  3. I’d get the water bottles for sure! Great giveaway idea, thanks for the chance to enter!

  4. I’ve started using some of the reusable totes from Target but I really like these ones better so that’s what I would buy. I like that they are machine washable.

  5. I have been wanting to try some cleaning supplies that are better for the environment. So that is what I would spend this gift card on.
    Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway.
    I would LOVE to win !!

  6. For sure some BPA free products like water bottles! I’m slowly changing out all my girls bottles and mine!! Thanks!!

  7. Oh I like them all~! I would love the cleaning supplies and the laundry detergent. I hate using harsh chemicals to clean with. Thanks for having a nice giveaway.

  8. We need more of the lightbulbs. We started changing all over our light bulbs over, but we still have a few left.

  9. I would love to get the BPA free water bottles. Breast cancer runs in my family and I am getting concerned with drinking bottled water.

  10. Yup, I’m with the majority of comments here – the BPA-free Better Bottles are tops in my book! Love to have one of them!

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  11. I would buy BPA free bottles! I can not have too many of those and I would probably chip some $ in myself and get laundry detergent and trash bags!

  12. I would either choose BPA free water bottles or cleaning supplies(its a hard choice).

  13. I’d buy the picnic sampler. I love that I can still have picnic plates, etc that are biodegradable, and I don’t have to wash the dishes either.

  14. Sounds wonderful! I keep hearing about BPA free bottles and sippy cups, so I’d buy those if I win. Thanks for the giveaway.

  15. The Household Water Conservation Kit would be what I would purchase. Cool thanks for a great blog giveaway!

  16. i would like to get those reuseable totes when i go shopping no more need for plastic bags

  17. I’d love to try their eco-friendly cleaning products–our current ones are effective but probably a bit scary for the environment!

  18. I’ve got the BPA Better Bottle, so I’d buy the laundry soap. That’s the next cleaner that I need to replace with green product around here.

  19. One of the Camblbak water bottles… Need to get rid of my other non bpa free bottles.. Wiicked13[at]yahoo[dot]com

  20. I would most likely get a PINK water bottle and a LED night light. Thank you for a nice GREEN giveaway.


  21. I’ve been meaning to get some BPA-free water bottles, so that’s what I’d buy if I won. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  22. I would love to try the cleaners and laundry detergent! We are trying to go more green by using reusable shopping bags when we do our shopping!

  23. I’d get the reusable tote bag since I am really trying to do my part and say no to plastic sacks!
    Please do enter me…

  24. I like the water bottles and laundry soap — also I think I might try the recycled facial tissue!

    Thanks for the chance.

  25. I would get some of thier BPA free water bottles- the better bottle model. Love them! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  26. Like so many others, I would get the BPA-free water bottles to replace my unsafe ones. Thank you.

  27. I’m going to get the eco friendly starter kit. I could try a few great products. Thank you so much!

  28. i heart the 25 ounce berry bpa free water bottle!

    thanks, kristen


  29. BPA- free bottles. I used to love my Nalgenes, but can’t use them anymore…

    My Sigg gets too dented up when I bring it everywhere…I need something more durable!

    lindsey dot hefner at gmail dot com

  30. I would get the BPA Free Water Bottles. I have been looking for something like this.


  31. I would also get the BPA free bottles. We never seem to have enough.
    owatz (AT) telus (DOT) net

  32. I’d pick up some laundry soap and softener. I’ve never tried “natural” products before 🙂

  33. CFL Light Bulbs, I need these. We have a few lights out now I could replace. Thank you.

  34. I would get a water bottle for sure. I might also get the doggie bags, as we don’t have any biodegradable ones. Thanks!

  35. We are in the market for a new showerhead, so that’s what I’d go for first. The massaging ones look great. After that, I might pick up a new nozzle for the garden hose. Thanks for the great giveaway!


  36. This one was easy for me as I’ve been thinking about this for awhile now and just haven’t gotten around to it. I would buy the BPA-Free Water Bottles.

    Great giveaway!!

    Thanks so much!!

    [email protected]

  37. I’d get some CFL chandelier bulbs. I’ve been meaning to get some–they’re the only bulbs in my house that aren’t CFLs–but the price has been putting me off.

  38. I really want to try the green cleaners, I have seen a few in the stores and were curious about them. Thanks.

  39. The BPA free water bottles to replace a bunch of our current ones.


  40. I would spend the 25 on cleaning products, I am currently using 7th generation. Thanks for the contest

  41. I would definitely go for the BPA free bottles to replace my current water bottles.

  42. I would get some doggie bags for doggie doo-doo for sure, and I would also get a variety of lo-flow faucet heads.

    Thank you for the useful giveaway!

  43. I just joined a gym and have been feeling very guilty about the plastic water bottles I’ve been using. I’d love one of their BPA free Podium bottles. (With $25 I could get more than one!)

  44. I would have to use it on light bulbs, I’ve been slowly replace ours, but it gets expensive when your on a fixed income

  45. I’ve been wanting a BPA free water bottle and maybe a few reusable totes! 🙂

  46. I’d get a BPA free water bottle from camel back. I need a new one for my bike trips. These would be perfect.

  47. If I won I would get the NEW Low Flow 2.25 GPM Rainfall Showerhead =) SWEET!!! We need a new shower head for our house! We are still trying to get it ready to move in!!!! =)

    Great Giveaway!
    musingsfromleftfield [at] yahoo [dot] com

  48. I’d get two of their Better Bottles (so I don’t have to share with hubby). Thanks.

  49. I’d buy Biodegradable dinnerware if I won. We love to go camping and this would be perfect. Thanks for the chance.

  50. I need a lo-flow nozzle.

    Please include me and thanks so much,
    KJ 🙂
    kjmt42 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

  51. I would buy some biodegradable tableware and a reusable water bottle

    jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

  52. I would probably get the cleaning sampler- it would be a great way to see if they worked as well as other things. Thanks for the chance.
    Check out my back to school and $50 Amazon giveaways if you get a chance.

  53. I would love to get the Eco-Friendly Cleaning Sampler so I could try a variety of their products. Thanks for having this giveaway!

  54. I would probably get a BPA-free water bottle, and almost definitely some recycled tissues because my allergies sometimes wreak havoc on my nose!!!

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