please i need a laptop

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i don’t have a extraordinary circumstance,but am hoping i qualify in the running for a new hp laptop at 5 minutes for mom. please consider my family for a nod. this may not be a heartwarming story, but this is more about educational costs and family time.

when i blog, i use a desktop and i don’t seem to mind it. except when i need to fight with my husband over the computer. he is in college his last year before he graduates, but he is planning on going to graduate school and persue his phd. so we have a long way to go. a laptop will be in reach then but not now.

please nominate my family for a laptop. as i believe it would help us tremendously between me being able to continusously blog and my husband being able to take it to school.  it is actually a requirement to have a laptop in the up coming school year.  (i’m crying right now, even thinking that this could ever happen.) this would make my dreams come hubby has been wanting one for so long. everytime we get ready to buy one, the kids need something. thats more husband spends majority of his time at school, due to the fact of the kids misbehaving and concentration issues. (emailed 5 minutes for mom). a laptop would let him go upstairs or even outside and work. he’s be closer to home than 45 minutes away where his school is

we do not have cell phones. probably one of the few in the world. this would be a great way for my hubby to keep in touch during class. we’ve already had a instant where my daughter cracked her head open and i had to rely on neighbors for help.

a little info on my husband schooling, he is persuing his degree in chemistry, with a concentration in biochemistry. we eventually wants to become a professor at a university. he tells me about all this research he does and i get sick. but he comes home with images from the massspectrometer and downloads them on our computer, than writes a million pages. okay that was an exaggeration. we go through a black ink cartridge ina week. thats how much data and notes he goes through. this laptop if i win is mainly fo rhim, with his education. since we have about 5-9 more years of college.

i agree that having a laptop makes blogging so much easier. thats one reason i want it. blogging is my big passion right now. my way to the outside is the internet. that sound pathetic i know. i began blogging just for the contests, but it has grown into a way to make dear friends, share parenting tips and problems, and even sometimes a way to vent. even though those never get published. i don’t have any friends.  to be continued hubby needs computer ( iam so embarassed. i wish he’d just let me finish the post. school is more important than blogging. i apoligize again.   My friends are on the internet. my family is in california and arizona and i am in north carolina. so the computer is mainly the way i keep in touch with my family. we do have a phone,but whenever i get a call. i have two little girls fallow me around saying i want to talk.  plus my family have never met my youngest daughter and my son. so i send pics constantly.

so i would really like a laptop to help with my husbands education. and so we don’t fight over the one i’m on right now!

**i am adding this 8/23/08. this is actually become so much more now. my mother in law, recently passed and my husband sold back his textbooks. to pay for her funeral, so this would really help. as they have e books now

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3 thoughts on “please i need a laptop

  1. I know what its like fighting with your husband for some computer time. I was able to get a laptop on sale a couple seasons ago and its really nice to be able to take it anywhere. Good luck!

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