review piano for preschoolers

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i’ve always wanted to learn how to play the piano, but just never had time. as i’ve had a few lessons over the years. i’m still an ametuer, so when my daughter took an intrest i looked for something that would be easy to learn and teach.  thats when i found piano for preschoolers.

piano for preschoolers is an award winning system that allows parents without ant musical background, to teach their preschoolers piano from home. the hardest part is learning the keys, they have a color coded strip to put on the back of your piano/keyboard to help you identify. my daughter played twinkle twinkle little star the first try.

the piano for preschoolers kit runs 39.95 and it includes

– A beginners piano book containing 17 familiar songs written on color-coded on a traditional music staff
– 17 track CD with voice-over “count aloud” for each song
– Color strip to sit on your piano or keyboard to guide your preschooler to the correct key
– And, a step-by-step Parent/Teacher Guide

i love this system, it’s a great learning tool for preschoolers and even helped me learn some more. i’m going to use it with my other children when they get old enough.

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