breast cancer awarness

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over the next couple weeks you’ll see some changes to my blog. i’m getting it ready for breast cancer awarness month. which is the month of october. this is very important to me. both my grandmothers are survivors, and 2 of my aunts are survivors.

an estimated 182,460 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the united states during 2008. An estimated 40,480 women will die from breast cancer. It is estimated that 1,990 men will be diagnosed and 450 men will die of breast cancer during 2008. In addition to invasive breast cancer, 67,770 new cases of in situ breast cancer are expected to occur among women in 2008. Of these, approximately 85 percent will be ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).        American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures 2008

know your risk

ask your family about health history and ask your doctor about personal risks

get screened

always get screened

have a exam every 3 years starting at age 20(you should get one every year at your well woman check) and every year starting at age 40

don’t be afraid to ask your doctor a question, if you feel like something is wrong or your breast have changed. get checked out immediately.

make sure you take care of yourself, eat healthy, and exercise.

breast cancer is very serious and affects a lot of woman.  please take your time and raise awarness and support the cause. you can find a local event/walk here

if you want to know more please visit these sites

susan g koman

national breast cancer foundation


the breast cancer site

breast cancer awarness

*fox entertainment and mgm home entertainment have joined forces with the susan g koman foundation for a great promotion to raise awarness for breast cancer. props and pans is joining in and giving away the dvd’s for the cure.

dvd’s for the cure includes 15 romantic comedies in special pink packaging, that will be available for purchase 9/23/08 there are 10 returning classics like ever after, legally blonde,never been kissed, thelma and louise, to name a few. plus includes some new titles like little miss sunshine, the princess bride, and edward scissorhands(one of my absolute favs)

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