potty training success

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well it took like what seemed forever but my daughter is almost fully potty trained. the acception is nighttime and the road. we are getting there.

i started out trying to get her to use the potty at age 2, she did really good for a while, than gave up. for a while she refused to have anything to do with the potty.  so i let it go(bad on my part i know). a couple weeks after she turned 3 i tried a new tactic, a friend advised.

 take your daughter into the potty with you when you go. have a little potty for her of course.  it worked really well my daughter wasn’t shy of using the potty anymore. she still wasn’t going all the time.

so i put panties on her all the time. she was having accidents all the time, but after a while she got tired of being wet and relized i wasn’t going to give up and put a pull up on her. success

so my advice to all who are having trouble with potty training. take your child with you to the potty. 

what tactics worked for you when you potty trained your child?

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