contests 9-24-08

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cool mom picks-red and blue denim hat/midnight tonight

mommies with cents-wow wow wubzey dvd/9/26/08

common sense with money-kiss my face products/9/30/08

seven dogs and a baby-ironman on dvd/9/30/08

classy mommy-leap frog tag system/10/1/08

the opinionated parent-pop fly cd/10/1/08

mommy mandy-case of dial complete hand soap/10/8/08

an ordinary life-baby einstien dvds/10/10/08

5 minutes for mom-cpr learning guide/10/11/08

5 minutes for mom-no slip charlie/10/11/08

seven dogs and a baby-102 dalmatians dvd/10/15/08

an ordinary life-easy bake oven/10/15/08

seven dogs and a baby-my life game console/10/15/08

seven dogs and a baby-size medium swimmi/10/15/08

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