contests 10-1-08

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cool mom picks-martha stewart halloween goodies/midnight tonight

boston mamas-mead activity books/midnight tonight

mama in flip flops2-10 to target/10/3/08

adventures in mommyland-pampers sensitive diapers/10/6/08

berrie sweet picks-flair high chair/10/7/08

a daycare life-boogie wipes gift basket/10/7/08

wrestling addicted mommys blog-sesame street knex/10/8/08

chick shopper chick-sesame street knex/10/9/08

from dates to diapers-case of dial soap/10/15/08

5 minutes for mom-douglas stuffed animal/10/18/08

5 minutes for mom-year supply of dove products, plus movie tickets/10/18/08

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