baby einstein holiday blog tour

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the holidays are always a hectic time. parents are working overtime, shopping, card sending, cooking and traveling with family. makes it hard for family time and exspecially young children.

baby einstein and mom central have teamed up this holiday season to encourage moms to spend some quality time with their young children. to incorporate meaningful moments of interaction and discovery with their babies and toddlers during the holidays.

i recieved the baby mozart 10th anniversary dvd, touch and feel baby animals board book, and lullaby cd.  i have to say my kids went crazy when i pulled these out. my kids have always been a fan of baby einstien. my 1 yr old didn’t really pay attention. my 2 and 3 yr old watched it over and over again.  the board book. was so fun and they loved the fact that you could actually feel the animals.  the lullabys cd was so comforting and relaxing. it helped put my son to sleep! 

engaging in play and learning with your child, is important. baby einstein products are top of the line, and help achieve this goal everyday.


thanks to mom central

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