delgo movie review

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i was so excited to be given the oppertunity to review a trailer of the new movie delgo. i really like animated movies and the messages behind them.

delgo is family friendly, and has everything you need in a movie to get your kids excited about seeing it.  a mystic land, a princess, a unlikely hero, action and adventure.

my fav. the message behind this movie is acceptance between different cultures.

the story of delgo takes place in the magical land of Jhamora wich is divided between two cultures. The Nohrin,winged masters of the skies, and the lockini, the terrestrial tribe who harness the mystical powers of the land. when delgo, a reckless lockini teenager forms a forbidden friendship with the spunky nohrin princess kyla hostilities between the two peoples esculate.  Setting the stage for an exiled empress to exact her revenge and reclaim her rule.

falsely imprisioned, and his best friend filomust put aside their differences to join forces with a sworn enemy, bogardus and travel to the mysterious land of perran to rescue princess kyla. here they encounter fanciful creatures and discover more than just a kidnapped princess, they learn the value of different cultures and the importance of working together.

the voice casting has some of the wonderful actors. like freddie prince jr., jennifer love Hewitt, Anne Bancroft, Chris Kattan, Val Kilmer, Kelly Ripa, Burt Reynolds,  Lou Gossett Jr. and Michael Clark Duncan.

this image is courtesy of team mom and delgo.

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