a dirty house on new years is a dirty one all year

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thats the way my mother always put it. so i try and organize and get everything clean after the holidays.  my main problem is we live in a apartment and my kids get to many clothes and toys for christmas.

so i always go through and get all the old broken toys and nonfitting clothes out to make room for the new.   well i stilll have a hard time parting with things though. like a special dress or toy.

getting finances back in order is a biggy to, exspecially if you have credit card debt from the holidays or something. i try and manage what i spent and then figure out what i can put towards whatever needs to be paid off.

cleaning out your refridgerator, is a must After the holidays with all the left over food.   i try and make a weekly list of leftovers and what days to eat them. i hate to waste food.

one of my biggest prioritys after the holidays is family time.  vacation ends. school starts again, work starts again etc. so trying to spend time together, before our lives become busy and hectic again.

a big thank you to parent bloggers network for making this post possible, and sc johnson for some wonderful tips on getting things back in order after the holidays

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