windows mobile smart phone

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i don’t have a cell phone, probably one of the few in the world. to me they are to costly. if i did i’d want the best of the best, internet, phones are just getting to complicated so something thats comfortable to me.

i am doing a tour with the windows mobile smartphone. i’m so excited about it, if i had a phone this is the one i’d get. it works with windows, which i have always used, so i’d be more comfortable using it.

some of the features of the window smartphone is

games, they offer over 500 game titles. perfect if your ever stuck in a waiting room or something and need to pass the time.

check my email on the phone with microsoft outlook. convienant if your on the go.

so easy to transfer pictures from your phone to your computer. i hate lugging my big camera around everywhere, so thats definitly a plus for me.

keep appointments in order with the calander.

there are a huge variety of smartphones, but i would choose the samsung omnia. it’s part of the verizon network (can you hear me now) ha! i love that commercial! the omnia is touch screen mobile phone and combines features of a smartphone and digital camera into one. once again i love, because i hate lugging my camera around. having one on my phone would be so cool! it even lets you send photos to family and friends, post online or on my blog, even crop carries a 5.0 megapixel.

so i don’t use a cellphone, but if i did i would definitly go with a windowsmobile smartphone. it’s everything i need to stay organized and keep in touch with family and friends.

for more information on the windows mobile smartphone, visit their website

thanks to mom central

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