helping others and learning science

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do you like helping others? always givbing what you have to help the needy. parent bloggers network has teamed up with quaker oats to spread the word of start with substance.

i always donate clothes to goodwill, and food to food banks, but i really need to do more.  my husband is persuing his degree in chemistry, so he is giving science back to our community. trust me he spends every minute he has on his research.

i don’t know if this would count but i have been helping my sister in law. she’s a single mother and has been having a lot of trouble. so thats kindof giving back.

my goals for 2009 in giving back is just donating more clothes and helping people in need i know, in my community and whatnot. It’s kindof hard to give to much, when you don’t have much yourself.

i would like to adopt a family for christmas this year if i can, or for any holiday. help with gifts food , decorations etc. thats if i can get out of this neediness myself.

this post was written for parent bloggers network as part of sweepstakes sponsored by quaker oats company

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