plant a seed with kellogg’s frosted flakes

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sports play a big roll in kids lives, through grade school, high school, even college. with the economy weakening a lot of extracurriculars for kids including sports lose budgeting. which means kids lose out on ways to stay active and healthy.

superbowl sunday (this sunday feb. 1) kelloggs will kick off a national field renovation program with a superbowl commercial called plant a seed. the commercial main focus is to make a differance in kids lives and help build stronger communities, and will be part of kellogg’s earn your stripes program.  the earn your strips program is about inspiring kids to do and be their very best, plant a seed shows that before you can earn a stripe, you have to plant a seed and help give kids places to realize their potential.

through this program, about 50 fields across the U.S.A  will become better places for families to gather and stay active. as well as communities to grow stronger, and  most important giving kids a place to stay out of trouble.

if you would like to nominate a playing  field in your city/town.  go nominate the field, or even go show your support by voting to help make a field special for someone else. please visit


thanks to mom central for this post

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One thought on “plant a seed with kellogg’s frosted flakes

  1. I have been trying to access the plant a seed program with no success. Our church has a baseball field which has not been used in years. the only park in our area was justt closed to build a city hall there. The renovation of this field would be a blessing to our community.

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