i want to vlog

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i have always wanted to vlog. be able to share my kids growing up, and my parenting skills. exspecially with the fact that my family has never met my children. we live to far apart. so vlogging would be a great way for them to see there interaction.

i haven’t started vlogging because ui don’t have a camcorder. i would love to have the new flip video. it’s so easy to use and no wires to mess with.     crafty mamaof4 is giving one away on her blog right now. to inspire people to vlog. oh i want to win it so bad. it would be the ultimate dream.

i would vlog about so many things. parenting, i would have my kids on video singing and dancing.  i would love to share my money saving tips, and ways to help the economy. giving back to my community with my vlogging and helping others. it would be a great experiance for me too.

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