new ways for taking pictures

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5 minutes for mom has a new colum 5 minutes for photography. they show new and fun ways to take pics of your kids or anyone.


heres how mine turned out




from below


i am a bad photographer. there is like a 5 second delay on my camera. so when it finally takes the picture, they look away or blink

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5 thoughts on “new ways for taking pictures

  1. Isn’t this a great new carnival. I’m excited to see everyone’s pictures. Swing by my site, the ie mommy, to see mine 🙂

  2. We have a two year old so I know exactly how hard it is to hold a little one’s attention when you want to take a cute photo! For a five second delay, you did good work, really! I esp. like the last one that you shot from the from below. The angle and the way that you filled the frame with their faces makes this a really good and interesting shot. First, it draws me to their faces (which are very cute). The flower and the glass are perfect “kid-ness” which adds a nice touch.

    THanks for “playing along!” We look forward to doing more columns like these in the future!

  3. Cute pics!! Hey that delay could be the “red eye” feature turned on. If I put my Red Eye feature on it has a first flash to make the eyes un-red (or something!) and then another flash directly after that. When thats on I ALWAYS get my daughter looking another way too! Maybe you can see if yours is turned on that and change that setting. Just a thought!

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