biscuit the dog review

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my daughter keeps begging for a puppy. we live in a apartment and don’t want to have to clean up after a pet.  So thank goodness when biscuit the dog came along.

Fur Real Friends Biscuit My Lovin Pup has voice recognition and obeys six commands. Speak, lie down, sit, give me paw, want a treat.  he reacts to touch and other animals. he is pretty much a real dog with out the mess.

my daughter loves this toy, and plays with it all the time.


no mess

not costly

fun and interactive


room has to be quiet for him to obey commands

when no one is playing with him. he’ll whine

exspensive to buy

takes 6 d batteries


* so we love buscuit, but he also has a lot of downsides about it. mainly the price of him.

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