i don’t get it

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i keep seeing advice on other blogs about how to make yourself a  bigger blogger. (i guess you could say that).   it just seems like the blogosphere revolving around mothers, has become nothing but bitching.

i’m not a great blogger, i don’t get a lot of visitors and i don’t have companies overloading me with reviews.   i have only been blogging a year and i started becuase i wanted to connect with other moms, and share my parenting.  I started doing contest listings because i thought it would bring me traffic, and it seemed like a lot of people only cared about contests. i don’t know if thats true or not, and i’m not going to judge anyone.

i love contests and i do enter a lot, but it’s not because it’s something free, it’s usually something i need or my children can use. something i might otherwise not be ablt to afford.

anyways, i love to review products and give my 100% honest opinion.  but if i never got another review to do again,it’s not the end of the world. i’m here to share my experiances with you, the reader. reviews and giveaways are just a way to give my readers more.

i don’t appreciate bloggers rejecting other bloggers when they ask for pr info. I understand a lot of people have been doing this forever andworked hard to get the reviews they do. If a blogger is contacting you to get some info on that. give them some, you don’t have to give them your pr contacts, just some friendly advice on how they can do better.

if your doing a great review, don’t rub it in. reviews of t.v’s and laptops are nice, exspensive toys etc. but don’t mention it everyday in posts.

there are a lot of great networking sites out there. i am part of a couple, but i feel like if there are companies contacting you on their own for reviews, then maybe you should let some new bloggers have a chance at the networking sites. some have stopped accepting people because they are to full.

domains? should you have to own your own domain to get companies to contact you? your more serious about it if you own your own domain.  i don’t think so. i think it’s the person not the blog or domain. i will probably never own my own domain. not because i don’t want one. i can’t afford one. i’m sorry but i’m a mom with 3 kids me and hubby are both back in school. i can’t afford even a dollar for a domain.

i don’t get this, do people blog to become famous? bloggers interviewing stars, joining up with big companies, having your face plastered everywhere.

it makes you wonder if people are doing all these blogging events all the time. how much time do they actually spend with family their kids?

like i said i’m not judging anyuone and i’m not picking anyone out, these are just some of the things i see going on, and i don’t get it

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One thought on “i don’t get it

  1. Just blog on what interests you and about what you want to share with others. As far as reviews go, it’s a fairly small percentage that gets those big ticket items to review. Some of these folks put a ton of hours a day into their blogs and marketing though and it’s much more a job for them than just a hobby.

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