love your veggies game

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hidden valley ranch has started a website gaered towards kids, it has games and great information for getting kids to eat their veggies. the game section is what i will be talking about.

getting your kids to eat their veggies can be tuff, love your veggies has great ways to introduce veggies to your kids.  i know my kids won’t touch any veggie but corn and potatos. i usually have to like blend them in their food to get them to eat them.

love your veggies game site, lets kids have fun with their veggies. i played the game general store. it was alot of fun. it’s divided into three sections.

growing your veggies-you spray water on bugs and animals to keep them off your veggies while they grow.   when i played i did pretty good with this aprt and saved all 78 veggies

moving your veggies.-you need to drive your veggies to the kitchen from the farm without spilling any. there are bumps, animals and rocks along the way.

the kitchen-you need to feed all the hungry tummies with your healthy snacks.

the game was fun and made me want to go plant my own garden. at the same time, i found it a little confusing. i don’t know if my computer was slow or the game, but it seemed to take forever for the truck to move. i could never get past level two. so i never able to feed the tummies.

i do believe that this game is very useful towards children my daughter was very excited and wanted to know more about planting her own garden and different types of veggies.

my daughter loved it, and wanted to try it at home. she got a carrot and put it in her toy truck. ha!

thanks to mom central for this post

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