ultimate blog party post

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5 minutes for mom is having their ultimate blog party 2009. where you can meet lots of people and win lots of prizes.



pic of my family

I’m brandy, i am a 24 yr old stay at home mom of 3, i enjoy playing with my kids, blogging, and scarpbooking.   i have never met any bloggers, or been invited to any blogger events. so a lot of you probably have never seen me or heard of my blog. i blog at no time mom, where i do reviews, giveaways and write about parenting and life.

i’m married to a wonderful man jack, he is currently attending unc greensboro as a chemistry major. he will be graduating in may and we have high hopes of heading to duke for graduate school.


my two beauties

i have 3 children two girls and a boy. Mckenzie my almost 4 year old, is a very over the top dramatic little one. she loves to sing and dance, and exspecially voice her opinion. my 2 1/2 yr old alexandra is the actress of the bunch. she loves to sing and dance. she knows almost every barbie movie song and you can always hear her singing taylor swift. william is 15 months old and the life of the party. he walks around the house like he owns it. he has a lot of energy, and i swear could win a baby contest with his blonde curly hair, big blue eyes and long eyelashes!


my handsome little man

please feel free to look around my blog, leave comments. follow me on twitter.

i also have a giveaway going on for $25 g.c to eco store usa please enter

prizes i’d like to win

 #21, #22, #usc57,#118,#USC15, #114, intl3, intl 30

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35 thoughts on “ultimate blog party post

  1. Hi, just dropping in from twitter for the #ubp09! What a cute family–I just followed you on twitter.

    Good luck with the prizes–that’s one thing I haven’t done yet is look at all of them and make my picks.

    My hubs has family near Greensboro–small world!

  2. Nice to meet you! Great looking family. My husband just finished his MBA – I know how it is to have your hubby away at class all the time! Stop by when you have time.

  3. Hi Brandy! Thanks for stopping by my party in Dubai. Your girls are so beautiful – I wish I have two girls too but right now I am stucked with one! 🙂 And your pretty little long lashes boy is charming! Lovely family you have!

  4. Nice to meet you! You have a beautiful family. Hope you are having fun at the party. I would also like to invite you to link to Show off your Blog Saturday! I would love to read your favorite post! Off to enter your giveaway!

  5. Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.


  6. Hi, I am out bopping from party to party. I have found some absolutely wonderful blogs. I love giveaways, coupons, recipes, household hints, money saving tips, and all of the fantastic people.
    Thanks for inviting us all to stop by for a minute. If you have the time stop by my blog, I am having a Surprise Door Prize.
    Have Fun!!! I am…

  7. Hi there! Stopping by from the UBP. I am blog hopping all day and have met some super nice people here. What about you? Are you dropping into some too? Your little ones are sooo cute. Please stop by my blog sometime today if you can and have some fun with us. I will be posting throughout the day yummy recipes, fun crafts and great beauty tips along with whatever else comes to mind! Also will be giving away some super cute hair bows and clippes (that I am sure your little girls would love) so drop on in on the fun. I make and sel childrens clothes and hair accessories. Please check them out. Thanks so much, and it was great meeting you. I am now a new follower.


  8. You have a beautiful family… I’ll definitely have to check out your blog more later… (I’m just bookmarking everyone right now, while I blog-hop my way through the party :-p)

    Feel free to check out my blog, too! While I found the party too late to be part of the official prize giveaways, I do have a door prize at my blog: I’m giving away a free print copy of my book, “Two Snowflakes.” Here’s my address: http://twinhappyjen.blogspot.com/

    It was nice to meet you!

  9. Great site this notimemommy.com and I am really pleased to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  10. formidable site this notimemommy.com great to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

  11. nice site this notimemommy.com great to see you have what I am actually looking for here and this this post is exactly what I am interested in. I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor 🙂

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