yanni voices cd +dvd review

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i wrote about the yanni voices tour in febuary you can read about that here

i recieved a copy of yanni voices cd and dvd to review. it was released on march 24 2009

yanni’s instrumental compositions have made him a musical phenomenon. This is the first time ever that a composer and pianist has brought brought vocals to the forefront of his music.

Introducing four young new voices, Nathan Pacheco, Chloe, Ender Thomas and Leslie Mills, all discovered a mentored by Yanni.              The album was released on march 24 and the tour kicks off April 10th.

i didn’t really like it, was not my style of music,it jumped from different style. it went from opera to pop, and it was kindof annoying. relaxing listening to the opera style version, and then bam you jump up a different style.  their voices are beautiful and i’m sure they would make a great solo artist, but together on this cd i didn’t get it.  I like yanni and love his instrumental compositions, but this just wasn’t the same.

more on the cd



2.the keeper

3.our days

4. never leave the sun

5. before the night ends


7. mas alla

8.unico amore

9.vivi il tuo sogno


 11.set me free

 12.kill me with your love

 13.mi todo eres tu

 14.ritual de amor

15.moments without time

 16.nei tuoi occhi

 17. amare di nuovo

buy it here for 9.99 

little about the dvd

the dvd features the making of yanni voices and features tour highlights.


thanks to one 2 one for this review

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3 thoughts on “yanni voices cd +dvd review

  1. well , i felt d same way…. it’s not my type of music…
    istrumentals were better…. quite true …

    but i take it like, i m nt able to understand dis music coz we know about d depth of yanni’s work… it can’t b not good…

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