ear check review

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EarCheck Middle Ear Monitor is a first-of-its kind, clinically proven and physician-recommended, homeĀ  use device that accurately detects middle ear fluid, a key sign of an ear infection. The device helps parents identify when a child might have an ear infection, when it is necessary to seek medical attention and when the fluid is going away or gone.

thanks to earcheck i was able to get to review the middle ear check. my son has had constant ear infections, so this is very good to have on hand. luckly this time he did not have a ear infection. i won’t have to worry about going to the doctor and them thinking i’m crazy, for going to the doctor everytime he pulls his ear.

my daughter on the other hand did. so i will be taking her to the doctor. she never even showed signs. the doctor said that toddlers are not bothered that much by ear infections. so you might not even know she has one.

some more information on ear check

The EarCheck Middle Ear Monitor uses gentle sound waves to accurately and painlessly detect the presence of middle ear fluid, a key sign of an ear infection. This is the same patented and proven acoustic reflectometry technology used by thousands of physicians since 1997, and is a technique recommended by the American Academies of Pediatrics and Family Physicians.

Simply place the tip of EarCheckinto the child’s outer ear canal and press the SCAN button; the monitor works by sending a pleasant chirping sound into the ear canal. Some of this sound bounces off the eardrum and travels back to the instrument’s built-in microphone. EarCheckthen analyzes the reflected sound to determine if the eardrum is working normally. If there is fluid in the ear, the eardrum’s vibrations may be restricted. The greater the fluid level, the greater the reflected sound. Within only seconds, you will be able to determine if your child has fluid in the middle ear.

use the middle ear monitor when

  • Shows signs of an ear infection
  • Is being treated for an ear infection
  • Has a cold
  • Suffers from frequent ear infections

signs of an ear infection are

  • Fluid in the middle ear
  • Runny/stuffy nose or cough
  • Irritability
  • Pulling or rubbing the ear (indicating ear pain)
  • Decrease in appetite
  • Fever

EarCheck middle ear monitor is $49.95
visit www.earcheck.com and enter TWEET20 to save 20% off your order.

thank you earcheck for this opportunity

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