a great new way to spice up the kitchen

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The mixeris a on-line cooking club from Betty Crocker. you will learn the ins and outs of baking and cooking, while having Betty Crocker kitchen experts live during class.

for six weeks they will feature a new class with recipes demo.

week 1 kick-en chicken-over

week 2 pastabilites-going on now

week 3 greens with envy-4/20

week 4 viva tortilla-4/27

week 5 work it out (stir fry)-5/4

week 6 small bites big flavor-5/11

classes are held 3 times a week live

Tuesday 7pm ET

Wednesday 9pmΒ  ET

Saturday 4pm ET

registering for the mixer is free, and if you miss a class you can watch it later.



i have a gift basket to giveaway to one reader

it contains: Betty Crocker mixing spoon, spatula, measuring spoons and cups, whisk, liquid measuring cup and Betty Crocker magazine. all in a cute little wicker basket. pictured above

to win just leave me a comment of a cooking gadget you can’t live without?

also please sign up for the mixerΒ (optional, but greatly appreciated)

US only

closes 5/5/09

*extra entries

subscribe to my feed. (upper right corner)

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59 thoughts on “a great new way to spice up the kitchen

  1. I can not live wthout my Geroge Foreman grill, is that consdiered a gadget? For little actual gadgets, I love my whisk, mixing with a spoon gets to messy for me

  2. Gosh, it’s hard to choose just one cooking gadget that I can’t live without. πŸ™‚ But I can’t live without my great set of knives. A good set really makes cooking fly.

  3. Oh my first comment didn’t show up. The one cooking gadget you can’t live without is my crock pot.

  4. I can’t live without my frother. I love to have froth on my coffee or milk and I have a handy little battery operated one that whips up chocolate milk or hot chocolate. Yum!

  5. I couldn’t live without my big yellow Pyrex mixing bowl that used to belong to my mom. I use it just about every day for so many things!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I cannot live without tongs. I use them all the time!

    mariadelgado32302 at yahoo dot com

  7. I have a pampered chef apple slicer that I use frequently and wouldn’t want to be without. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

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