Goody green bags

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Goody green bags is a ec0-trendy reuseable bag for the style conscious & environmentally friendly shopper.

goody green bags are great for grocery shopping, mall shopping, going to farmers market, baby supplies(diaper bag), picking up take out and so much more.  They fold up and can be easily stored anywhere.

They come in great styles and run for $8.95 each or you can get a 5pack for 39.95. why wouldn’t you want these bags. they were chosen as a celebrity gift bag for the 2008 AMA’s and the Obama inaguration.

 Earth Day discount of 15% off all bags to promote Goody Green Bags as a simple step individuals can make towards helping to save our Earth.  The discount is a great incentive for everyone to commit to “green” resolutions this year! It runs through April.

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