Florastor Kids

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Florastor Kids is a clinically tested, natural,yeast based probiotic that aids in the growth of  good microorganisms in the intestines, while destroying and removing disease causing microorganisms to help maintain or restore optimal intestinal health. unique because it can be safely given to babies and children from the age of two months. Florastor kids is a great tasting powder that can be dissolved in beverages, including infant formula or soft foods, such as applesauce.

There are billions of microbiota inside the intestines that keep the digestive system working properly. An upset in the balance of these microbiota, or flora, can cause intestinal problems, including diarrhea and abdominal discomfort, which can range from moderate to severe. Florastor® Kids is a clinically-tested, natural, yeast-based probiotic that aids in the growth of good microbiota in the intestines, while destroying and removing pathogenic (bad or disease-causing) microbiota to help maintain or restore optimal intestinal health.
Unique because it can be safely given to babies and children from the age of two months, Florastor® Kids is a great-tasting powder that can be dissolved in beverages, including infant formula, or soft foods, such as applesauce.
Active Ingredient: Saccharomyces boulardii lyo 250mg (yeast)
(equivalent to 5 billion live cells)
Derived in a patented process from live, freeze-dried, yeast cells
Features: Clinically Studied:
The active ingredient in Florastor Kids has been clinically tested for more than 50 years. Saccharomyces boulardii lyo (or S. boulardii) helps to eliminate or prevent diarrhea by promoting the growth of good microbiota, helping to remove pathogens from the intestines and neutralizing bacterial toxins.
Strengthens Intestines:
Florastor Kids also strengthens the digestive tract’s ability to help fight infection by:
Releasing polyamines (organic compounds that stimulate cell growth) to help repair the mucous membranes of the intestinal walls.

you mix one packet in the morning and one in the evening, as directed.

a box of Florastor Kids, which is 20 powder packets runs for a retail price of $21.95.

i have to say it helped with my kids diarrhea. i was at a lost when nothing else was working, i’m so glad i found this!

There will be a contesty coming for this, so be on the lookout

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