Belli stretch mark minimizing cream

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Having three kids in three years has really taken a toll on my body. Having three big babies at that.  Most stretch marks are small lines, that spread, but for some reason mine are big. IT looks like a bear put his claws on my stomach and tore down.  With bikini season approaching i would love to get rid of them or at least see them fade.

  I received some Belli stretch mark minimizing cream to try out(retail $52). Specifically formulated to decrease the appearance of existing stretchmarks. Features Darutoside and registril ingredients. Independent clinical trials have shown it to be effective on stretchmarks of any age, or from any cause.

The directions are to apply for 4 weeks day and night, and then once daily until results are achieved. I have not been using it very long, but i have seen minimal results. my stretchmarks at least one of them have started to fade a bit more.  I will be checking in with this product again and let you know if the results have changed.

DR. Jason Rubin(founding physician says “Belli Motherhood offers highly effective and time-efficient solutions to help you reclaim your body. Every product is allergy tested, and free of artificial dyes and parabens. For nursing mothers,Belli screens each ingredient through the lact-med database to help guard against harmful chemicals. I created the Belli collection to help keep my wife and baby safe. Now i want to share our science with you.”  

Visit Belli skincare to visit their entire product line Belli motherhood, Belli pregnancy, and Belli baby

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