Childrens book: 20 ways to save the Earth

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Did you know last year, Americans produced over 505 million tons of trash.  Your daily habits impact the environment, but there is still time to reverse the damage and help preserve our precious planet for future generations.  It doesn’t take a energy powered car or a wind farm to prevent damage to our earth.  Just a few simple things you do everyday. like turning off the T.V when you leave, pick up litter and throw it in the trash, or turning off the water while brushing your teeth.

I think it’s is really important to teach our kids how to save the Earth, no matter what age they are. It’s their future that will be impacted long term.  I’m so glad this new children’s book was introduced to me. we found it very useful and interesting tips and ideas for kids. my daughter has already started being very conscious about saving energy and the Earth.

20 easy ways to help save the Earth is full of situations kids encounter everyday. this book has very useful images and gives suggestions kids can use to help.  teaches through words and pictures recycling bottles and cans, to innovative ideas like using rainwater for watering household plants. Kids are encouraged to do their part and share their enthusiasm for conservation with others. retails for $19.49

20 easy ways to help save the earth encourages children to:

pick up their trash before leaving an outdoor area

conserve water and only use it when needed

turn off lights and video games when not being used

plant trees and flowers to help the climate

about the author:

Youth soccer coach and Eco-conscious citizen Coach Pedro Rita, believes teaching children to make simple changes in their daily lives may be the answer to saving the Earth from the destruction of past generations. In his new children’s book, “20 Easy Ways to Help Save the Earth” (Author House, September 2008), Coach Pedro shows kids how their actions can affect their homes and communities and offers them easy-to-use, Earth-saving tips to inspire and empower our youth to protect the environment.   

“I made a team rule that we were not to leave any trash behind,” explains Coach Pedro, who noticed the soccer fields littered with trash. “It’s all about doing those little things that make a huge impact on the environment.”

“We have found that children are very influential,” Coach Pedro says. “There’s a tendency for children to learn a behavior and in turn teach their family.”

Written in both English and Spanish, Coach Pedro hopes to reach kids in Hispanic communities, the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States, all while teaching them something they can be proud of when sharing their knowledge with friends, parents and educators.

Coach Pedro Rita resides in Ann Arbor, Mich., with his wife and co-author, Susan Adam-Rita. He works as Coaching Director for Michigan Tigers FC as well as Director of Development for Wide-World Sports Center, a soccer facility with programs for youth players. Coach Pedro is currently working on his next book called Bending a Soccer Ball. For more information, please visit

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