like looking in the mirror

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Growing up I never heard the end of it. You look like your mother, do you know your the spitting image of your mother! and so on and so forth.  I do look like my mother, and it’s not a bad thing. i love to let my genes shine.

Parent Bloggers Network has teamed up with Johnson’s and want to know what your mother handed down to you.











This is my mommy, my children and me.

This isn’t the best picture, but i don’t feel like digging in my closet right now. as i hope you can tell me and my mom have a lot of similar features. well honestly now that she’s older it’s harder to tell.

my mother handed down to me, her facial features, especially her nose. i have my mothers hazel eyes. her light hair, and her attitude. The only thing i didn’t get from my mother is body type.

My mother handed down to me her wedding ring (after her divorce). she’s also handed me some of my late grandmothers jewelry. Trying to keep heirlooms in the family! 








can you see what traits have been passed on to my children through me?

Happy Mothers Day everyone!s

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