Frigidaire’s new appliances

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How often do you have time for yourself? probably not much, i know i don’t. hence the name No Time Mommy! We moms work hard, but would appreciate more me time. Frigidaire understands that we need to have more me time, and have designed 250 new time saving appliances just for that reason.

Do you know according toFrigidaire’s mother-load index, we moms spend 200 hours a month doing things we don’t really enjoy.

Frigidaire wants to know what you’ll do with your free time. Share the 5 things you would do with an extra hour in your day.  You can win an entire suite of time saving appliances.

so go tell the here what you would do with an extra hour of your time and you just may win

The NEW Frigidaire kitchen and laundry collections feature high-performing, easy-to-use appliances with style and design elements that don’t just look great, but help the appliances perform better and give you better results.  All products – with their functional design and uncomplicated technology – have been built to deliver one primary thing: more time for mom. To learn more, visit

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