Fathers day giveaway

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Men don’t like to carry around our pretty little diaper bags. especially when they are pink. They want their own manly changing bag. I know I’ve seen a lot of men carrying around backpacks as a diaperbag.

Daddy can have his own now!

Fun Stuff 4 Babies is a Tampa, FL based company whose mission is to develop products that encourage and acknowledge Dad’s involvement in raising children. The company was created in 2008 by Chris and Julie Hartsfield, and their debut product is The Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox. 

The Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox arms new Dads with everything they would need for their very first diaper change as well as provides them with a chuckle.  The toolbox includes items such as a diaper, wipes, a turkey baster for precision hiney washing, tongs for several inches of steel separation between dad and the stinky diaper and many more practical and funny items. 




They have a new bumper sticker(pictured above). They run for $2.00 woth .95 cents shipping. They also have a new website www.GiftsForDadToBe.com beon the lookout for new products coming soon.

I think this needs to be featured on Ellen for fathers day don’t you. Go tell her you think this products is show material here.










Just for you Kris and Jules from fun stuff for babies have offered to give a

Daddy Diaper Changing Toolbox to one lucky reader. The ultimate new Dads Fathers Day gift.

Us only

To enter leave me a comment telling me why this would be the perfect Fathers Day gift for the man in your life.

please follow rules, none of this me, i want to win.

contest closes 6/14/09 at 10pm est

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27 thoughts on “Fathers day giveaway

  1. He needs all the help he can get this would be too perfect!
    Make a great father’s Day gift!

  2. My neighbors husband can use this. The poor guy has his hands full with two already. He is a product inventer for a well known kids company too bad he didn’t invent this for himself

  3. This is tooo funny!! My brother-in-law just became a father, and is one of those guys you mentioned that won’t be caught dead carrying a diaper bag. I know he’d get a kick out of this, especially the turkey baster!

  4. This would be perfect for my husband. We are expecting are first baby and he needs all the tools in this kit!

  5. What a great idea. I would love to give this to my friend’s husband. They are expecting a baby boy in August.

  6. This is the kind of humor my husband can appreciate and relate to. This would be perfect for him 🙂

  7. I would love to give this to My son in law who is expecting his first baby in October! haha we ALL know that changing a POOP filled diaper is NOT for the faint of heart… and I have a feeling he is going to be the biggest diaper changing evader on the Planet.. he needs the TONGS, MASK.. you name it.. He would love this~
    How GREAT is this~
    Many Many thanks for the chance to win this Cutie~

  8. Wow, this would be perfect for my husband! He is such a caveman and my feminine diapers bags embarass him…this would be such a treat!

  9. This would be great for the men in my life…my husband, who won’t carry diapers with him now, and my father, who is a Mr. Fix-It and loves to watch my baby.

  10. OMG, That looks like a real toolbox! Love the baster! (To wash away the poop!!!!!) My friend sent me a link to this giveaway, saying it is the funniest, most darling thing, and she is right! I should get one for my brother too! Any man with babies!

  11. I love it! That is the funniest thing. I will email Ellen’s show too. It’s useful and a gag gift in one!

  12. I’d like to win it for myself. My wife is expecting, it’s our first baby, and I may just really need this.

  13. My friend told me about this giveaway. It’s so funny! Maybe this way my husband will actually change a diaper!

  14. I know men who would love this gift. It’s a great gift for a baby shower too, to make everyone laugh.

  15. I’d love this for my husband! I”d love to get the help I need, he still would help but this would help him help me. Funny story: I have an uncle who would wear a World War II gas mask to change his daughter’s diaper!!!

  16. This would be a hilarious gift for my husband for Father’s Day! I always make him change our daughters’ diapers when he is around and the poop poncho would be more than appropriate for him and how much he complains about it. Thanks!

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