Post its just went green

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I’ve always been unorganized when it comes to writing notes. I just usually write them on anything I can find. We have post its I just can never seem to find them.

Organizing those notes just got easier. Post its are now SFI (sustainable forestry initiative) chain of custody certified, which assures that the paper used to make these products is sourced from well manage forests where trees are replanted.

They are also available in in recycled materials. They come in new bright colors, or even Earthy color palettes. Post it recycle notes are a great way to keep yourself organized, without impacting the environment.

Post it recycled collection consists of both original sticky notes and super sticky notes.







Post it super sticky recycled notes:                                                                              

 made with 30% post consumer content                                                                   

perfect for vertical and hard to stick surfaces                                                       

great tropical colors or natures hues                                                                            retails $12-$29







post it recycled notes in cabinet packs:                                                                       

 100% recycled carton                                                                                                

100% recycled paper and 30% consumer content                                         

 eliminates individually wrapped packs, retails $36-$43

plus they have so much more

Regular post it recycled notes-$15-$24

post it super sticky recycled easel pad $44 for two

Super sticky pop up notes $15-$24

post it pop up notes with desk grip container $5



Post its is generously offering one reader a post it prize pack containing three packs of post it recycled notes and three packs of post it super sticky notes!

to enter leave me a comment with how post its help you stay organized?

open to US only

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contest closes 6/16/09

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43 thoughts on “Post its just went green

  1. Pingback: » Post its just went green
  2. I write a lot of my lists on post-its at work, then I stick them on my purse so I don’t forget to take them home…I also have lots of post-its everywhere to remind me to do everything! thanks!

  3. I put post its on different things when I’m grading or just jotting little notes to myself so I remember things I need to do.

  4. I use them in my piano teaching, they are great to write the kids notes, my self notes and even mark spots in the music.

  5. I use post its to keep track of my grocery list. Since I go to many stores, I use one for each store. 🙂

  6. I use post-its to make daily ‘to-do’ lists both at work and at home. I would forget if I did not write it all down!

  7. It will help me stay organized because i would do the post it notes with different colors!
    With my different sunday papers.It will help me a lot!they will help me alot.I would love to try them!

    [email protected]

  8. I put them in the front of my coupon binder for grocery lists. I use them at work for reminders. I stick them to the mirror in the kids’ bathroom to remind them to do things. I love Post-Its!

  9. I love to use them to make lists of things I learn in books (stick them right in the book). I use a large pad on my fridge for grocery list items I remember throughout the week. I also love their page flags!
    musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. I love post-its and I stick them everywhere! In my wallet, checkbook, purse, van, on the computer, mirror, inside the cabinets, on the cabinet doors, on windows and doors so kids will see messages coming home or leaving, in the mail box – anywhere I can think of! I leave notes for myself to keep myself organized. It helps me to double-check and see I have everything I intended to have before I walk out the door of my house or a store.

  11. I tend to write notes on any piece of paper I can get my hands on. Unfortunately, I often throw those pieces of paper away and can’t find my notes. Post-its work so much better because I can stick them where I will see them and I know not too throw them away until I am done with them.

  12. I use post-its everywhere. I label the stacks of paper on my desk, notes from the phone, notea about sleep overs and appointments…and I even put a post-it in my daughter’s lunch box…just to say I love you. Thanks so much

  13. I have to mark-up print-outs of creative designs for websites, banner ads, and email newsletters. Post-its are handy so that multiple stakeholders on my team can mark-up the print-outs without obscuring the original work.

  14. I love post-its. I use them at my desk to jot things down as soon as they pop into my head before I forget them! And, I write passwords on them and stick them to my computer–I know, not real safe, but it works for me!

  15. I LOVE POST-ITS. I use them for quick shopping lists, and then stick it to my wallet in my purse. I use them for quick work notes stuck around my computer. I use them to show my kids how to spell something when they’re making cards for someone. LOVE ‘EM.

  16. I am constantly sticking one on my computer screen at work to remind me to do something. It helps!!

  17. I’m addicted to Post-it sticky notes~! I can’t even get dressed in the morning without reading a sticky note to remind me of one thing or another. Stuck on bathroom mirror works great for morning reminders,,,wear blue and white outfit meeting today at 10am or ID’s done at work today good day for make-up lol. I use the bigger Post it’s on the front door to remind me of things to take with me in the morning or for the kids school functions. Thanks for Sharing this review and giveaway 🙂

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