Look good and feel better!

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Both my grandmothers were diagnosed with cancer, they have to go through life changing experiences, like losing one of their breasts or even both. Look good, feel better is a free, national public service program that helps women cope with the appearance-related changes of cancer treatment through workshops across the country, self-help materials, and other free information.  Look Good…Feel Better is a collaboration of the Personal Care Products Council Foundation, the American Cancer Society, Inc. and the National Cosmetology Association.

being diagnosed with cancer, can change your life completely even your looks. losing bosy parts, hair loss, and other appearance related changes from cancer treatments.

In honor of its 20th anniversary, Look Good,Feel Better is asking women cancer survivors to submit their storiesof how the program helped them cope with cancer as a way to inspire others who may currently be undergoing cancer treatment.  Entries will be featured on the Women of Hope is Beautiful blog to help educate others.  Anyone can visit the site to view entries, make comments and show their support.  In August, Look Good,Feel Better will choose five women with the most-compelling stories to receive a trip to New York City for a makeover and a trip to the DreamBall, a black-tie gala and the program’s largest annual fundraiser, held each year in New York City.

thank you to mom central for introducing me to this wonderful organization

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