Chicken Soup for the soul power moms

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There are tons of chicken soup for the soul books out. The first one i ever read was for teenagers called tough stuff.  now they have a new one that is perfect for all moms. Power Moms

Here’s the books description – “Wendy Walker, author of Four Wives and The Queen of Suburbia, has become the go-to media expert on women leaving the workforce to raise their families and run their homes. This book contains 101 great stories from mothers who have made the choice to stay home, or work from home, while raising their families and becoming active members of their communities. Stories from grateful husbands and children are also a fun read. These multi-tasking, high-performing women have become today’s Power Moms. Every stay-at-home and work-from-home mom will view this book as having been written just for her. Perfect for book groups, it will also contain a reader guide.”

I found this book very touching and uplifting. It came actually at a convienant time. I have been having trouble trying to juggle everything right now. it’s comforting to hear other moms stories.


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