Special K protein shakes

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Special K has a new product to offer protein shakes. They are a great wieght management solution that doesn’t sacrifice great taste.
They can be part of the special K challenge as a meal replacement to keep on track. All three flavors, strawberry, milk chocolate and french vanilla have 10 grams of protein and 5 gramd of fiber. helping take the edge off of hunger.
They contain 100% daily value of vitamins Cand E, plus 35% of the daily value of vitamins A, and D. Calcium and B12 amoung other important minerals.
I liked it, was very tasty. I could never picture myself replacing a meal with it though.  Although I really don’t eat breakfast anyways. You can pick these up in the diet and nutrition aisle.
Special K is offering a coupon for their shakes www.specialkcoupon.com to print it out
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