how to instantly connect with anyone review

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I get really nervous when I’m around people i don’t know, especially when i am meeting with someone important.  Then there are the people that can just walk in and just start talking away, so calm and relaxed.

How To Instantly Connect With Anyone author and communications expert Leil Lowndes has taught thousands how to go from shy to being a people magnet, and tells methods of success in this book.

The number one key to a instant connection is anticipating another persons feelings.

appreciate the other persons time for meeting with you, take notes to show your interested, introduce yourself and others around you formally.

How To Connect With Anyone offers best-case scenarios and social nightmares, and how some of her tricks would of came in handy.

Why your last impression is as vital as your first

How to come out smelling like a rose(even if your wrong)

Why you should always put your signatures in blue

how to begin and end a meaningful email

power of making eye contact

getting the opposite sex to notice you every-time, are just some of the tips she covers.

The book also features 10 dumbest things you should never say or do, if you want to keep your connection.

about the author: Leil Lowndes is a communications speaker and consultant through her company Applause Inc. Her book titles include “How to make Anyone Fall In Love With You” and “How To Be A People Magnet”  you can learn more about her and her books through her website


This book is full of useful information for myself. it has helped me with useful tips on how to grow my connections as a blogger.

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