Looking for a type a mom sponsorship

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There are many blogger confrences throughout the year. they help bloggers grow and learn more. this one is knocking at my door step.

Here is a bit about the convention:

  • It is a unique mom blogging conference
  • It is designed to help take the blogger to the next level
  • It features many influential, admired and insightful mom bloggers
  • Focuses on the power of social networking, branding, blogging and monetizing your love of blogging

In order for me to attend this confrence i am in need of a sponsorship. now i live close to where it will be held so i do not need  transportation costs, just tickets for me and my kids. and hotel exspenses so total i would need $900.

$100 sponsorship-I will write a thank you post all about your company

$250 sponsorship-I will pass out your biz cards, wear a t shirt with your logo, and also write a blog post and do tweeting about your company while at the confrence.

$500 or more-Pass out your biz cards/products, wear a logo t shirt, write a 500 word blog post about your comapny, three month ad spot.


This will probably be the only confrence i attend and my birthday si on the 28, so it would be a great present!


this will be my first confrence and i really want to go

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  1. Pingback: Twitted by notimemommy

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