I can’t even enjoy outdoors

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We just moved to a new apt. and we have a heavily wooded area right next to us. I mean literaaly, we live in the end townhouse, and you walk outside it’s two steps to 10 steps to a “forest”. i decided to get some leaves off our walkway and back patio. i also did some racking on the outside of our patio, to keep spiders away.(i have never seen so many big disgusting spiders in my life til we moved here). i love it here, it’s beautiful and nice.

this is the thanks i get for trying to clean up








this is the front of my leg. they are the size of golf ball








this is the back of my leg, this one is bigger than a orange.

I am hoping they are just mosquito bites, which i’ve heard can be that big. i have about seven more that size. all over my legs.   so much for going outside.

anyone want to donate some off lamps, candles etc!

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One thought on “I can’t even enjoy outdoors

  1. I know just what you mean, I get such a horrible reaction to mosquitoes, and we live on a preserve with lots of standing water in central Florida (hot and sticky). I feel for you girl!! I’ve been trying to win one of those OFF! Lamps for weeks now 🙂 guess I’m gonna have to break down and buy one at the WalMart!!
    Good luck and I hope you feel better!!!

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