Peta practical guide to animal rights

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 Everyday in laboratories, on factory farms, behind the big top and in industries across America. animals are subject to horrible treatment. This book will show you hundreds of simple ways to stop cruelty.

The author Ingrid Newkirk gives tips like

*how to eat healthy and compassionately

*how to adopt dogs rather than puppy mills

*how to get companies and legislators to listen to you.

*how to select cruelty free products and clothes.

*how to choose amusements that protect rather than exploit animals.


I am not a vegetarian, but i am trying to stay away from red meat. i absolutely can not stand it when i see someone hurting an animal, it’ s just so wrong. this book is a very good insight for tips on helping protect animals, and also in choosing products that help support animals,by not being tested on animals.

You can find this on amazon




*having some technical difficulty’s


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