getting it straight

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priorities that is.

so with all the fuss about blogher, and people wanting to go, people going but now being in debt, etc. etc. etc.

i will probably never attend blogher, it’s not that i wouldn’t benefit or that it’s not worth it.

well in someways its not worth it.    I have heard bloggers say they went into debt to go,  didn’t have sponsors. that is not worth it to me.  i mean the 800 that went to blogher could of gone to diapers, rent, food.

plus its going to be even more exspensive next year as its in new york city.

anyways, like i said my priorities need to be set on something else.  before i should ever start asking for sponsorships to blogher. i need to ask for sponsorships, save money to get my teeth fixed. i need 9000 worth of dentistry that my insurance won’t cover. (thanks to all the dentist that have screwed me over and got me to this point).

Right now living is a priority, and its hard with the economy and not being able to find a job. plus bringing in little income from my blog.

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