Solemate review

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Solemate by Lauren Mackler: Book Cover

I was able to review the new book Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness & Transform Your Life, which offers a fresh point of view that reframes aloneness as a positive state, and to embrace it rather than avoid aloneness. the book offers a roadmap to help you achieve wholeness and well-being on your own.  Solemate is about becoming the person you were meant to be, treating yourself well, losing  your old beliefs and behaviors that limit your ability to realize your full potential.  instead of trying to find that perfect match, become your perfect match.

in the U.S. today there are 95.7 million single adults, nearly half of all adults in the U.S.

I found this book very loving and made me realize somethings that maybe need to change in my life. I’m not single, but at times feel alone. this book is a great source, with quizzes and exercises to help you along the way.

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